Unlock Web3 with Ease: Leverage AI for seamless interoperability, security, and scalability

Direct access to 18 blockchains, 3000+ tokens, 19 DEXes and bridges, 17 onramps, and 130+ payment methods in 190+ countries. Experience one seamless integration for limitless possibilities.

Empower Everyone's Experience with SphereOne's BRAIN

We integrated over 100 pieces of infrastructure so you don't have to

Seamlessly connect everywhere

Web3 is growing. Rather it be modular, rollups or monolithic.When we expand so do you!

One integration for all of web3

Any integration is shared across all of SphereOne leveraging AI. No need to worry about updates or changes.

Build and Grow in the Web3 Ecosystem

Build, deploy, and scale your web3 projects with ease using our advanced tools to reach the broadest audience.

Natural Language not Needed

We can plug directly into existing applications and help provide dynamic steps for users to ensure conversions.

Arbitrum OneArbitrum One

Integrate with all of Web3 in 1 integration

Seamlessly integrate with the most popular web3 infrastructure and protocols permissionlssly.

  • Own the integration
  • Earn Revenue
  • Enhanced Security

BRAIN is designed to integrate new infrastructure via our Creator AI

Bring AI to your user experience

Effortlessly provide the correct infrastructure to the right user at the right time in natural language or transaction bodies

  • Unified Asset Management
  • Cross-Chain Interoperabilty
  • Top-Tier Security Measures

Use Cases

Just Some of the possibilities with SphereOne

Easy Payments

Enhance your user's payment experience by serving them all of the transactions in 1 step

All in 1 AI API

Balances, indexers, dexes, bridges, lending protocols and more all in 1 package

ChatGPT for Web3 for easy Transactions

Embeddable Chatbot that makes it easy for transaction conversions

Custom GPT for your specific actions

Get granular on the transactions and infrastructure you'd like your users to use and if its private or public implementation

Any Token Onramp

Leverage the swap capabilities after an onramp to help the user to any token

Data Availability

Leverage all of the related wallets in one profile to make interactions a breeze

Multi-Hop Interoperability

Leverage as many communication protocols in 1 go to make your end result an easy reality

Singular Identidy

Leverage identities on origin chains on the destination chains

Your use case...

Leverage any mixture of integrations or add to the integrations with your software permessionlessly and turn your idea into a reality

Extend and customize

Extend our platform and customize your use case

Over 100

Pieces of Infra






countries and territories for onramps